Cleaning and Polishing
- Understanding the Longevity of TotalBoat Premium Boat Wax
- TotalBoat Premium Boat Wax: Is it a Sealant or Conventional Wax?
- Determining how much TotalBoat TotalBuff is needed
- Optimal Temperature Range for TotalBoat TotalBuff rubbing compound and TotalShine finishing compound
- What buffer speed do I use for TotalBoat TotalBuff and TotalBoat TotalShine?
- How much coverage can I get from a bottle of TotalBoat Aluminum Boat Etch Wash?
- Which grade of wet sandpaper marks will TotalBoat TotalBuff remove?
- Are surfaces coated with TotalBoat TotalShine finishing compound and TotalBoat TotalBuff rubbing compound safe for food contact?
- Do I need to protect surrounding surfaces when using TotalBoat Aluminum Boat Etch Wash?