Choose a TotalBoat Gelcoat product based on whether you want the gelcoat to cure now (gelcoat with wax) or cure later, using an alternative curing method (gelcoat without wax).
Gelcoat with Wax contains paraffin wax. After gelcoat with wax is catalyzed with MEKP and applied, the wax forms an oxygen-blocking layer on the surface, allowing the gelcoat to cure.
Gelcoat without Wax will not cure on its own. It can be applied into a waxed mold, with layers of fiberglass mat saturated in polyester resin placed on the unwaxed gelcoat layer. You can also use it to laminate gelcoat, in stages. To cure gelcoat without wax, brush on or spray PVA (polyvinyl alcohol) over the final layer. Alternatively, add a paraffin wax additive to catalyzed gelcoat without wax for the final layer in your layup so it cures and hardens properly.
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